Noah's birthday ticker

Lilypie 3rd Birthday PicLilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Jan 25, 2010

noah is 3yrs old

Noah's goin to have a kids party! For the 1st time, we will have a birthday party that is fun for kids! 3 years old should be a fun age with no school stress but play!

What's d matter with parents stressing toddlers with ABCs n Phonics..etc. They are just babies,who need lots love to grow. They'll learn eventually through play n well..creativity n motor skills are some things u will not pick up after 5yrs old. so are we goin to restrict his growth? Besides.. noah had already showed interest in story books since few mths old and well books will come fun to him in his time.

For now, to me.. I just want to give noah the best time of his life.

Happy Birthday NOAH!

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