Noah's birthday ticker

Lilypie 3rd Birthday PicLilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Jan 25, 2010

noah is 2yrs old!

Noah was at Japan DisneySea for his 2nd Birthday.We planned this cause we wanted to visit Japan with noah again, and when's better then winter at disney?

On the last hour,we are really blessed to have Grandpa, grandma, uncle Jerome (from Singapore) n aunt Cindy ( from USA ) to come along with us. It was one of the best trips since we had extra help from everyone with a 2yr old.

Having said that this was a last min decision that everyone could come, All came on different flights to tokyo.. still all turned out well despite having to wait for hotel rooms til after noon (noah n parents reached tokyo early morning), shuttle to airport at different time to meet uncle jerome and then Grandparents+aunt cindy. All of us tired but excited..

Afterall, its JAPAN!!

Happy Birthday Noah.

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