Noah's birthday ticker

Lilypie 3rd Birthday PicLilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Jan 5, 2010


MY 1ST TRIP TO THE ZOO. (26 Apr 2008)
Mommy woke up early in d morning to prepare my meals n stuff. We are all excited,full of sunshine n smiles.. Noah's only 1yr 6mths,mayb quite young to understd why giraffes got long neck n elephants got long trunk etc..
but MEMORIES are what we long for. Good memories n fun we had when he's just 1yr.
AND YES we did!

memories : mommy n daddy got to carry me under hot sun with lots stuff in pram while i yawn away..haha,its indeed a memorable one when norman n i walked under sun in zoo looking at animals with a sleeping baby.NICE

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