Noah's birthday ticker

Lilypie 3rd Birthday PicLilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Jan 25, 2010

noah is 3yrs old

Noah's goin to have a kids party! For the 1st time, we will have a birthday party that is fun for kids! 3 years old should be a fun age with no school stress but play!

What's d matter with parents stressing toddlers with ABCs n Phonics..etc. They are just babies,who need lots love to grow. They'll learn eventually through play n well..creativity n motor skills are some things u will not pick up after 5yrs old. so are we goin to restrict his growth? Besides.. noah had already showed interest in story books since few mths old and well books will come fun to him in his time.

For now, to me.. I just want to give noah the best time of his life.

Happy Birthday NOAH!

noah is 2yrs old!

Noah was at Japan DisneySea for his 2nd Birthday.We planned this cause we wanted to visit Japan with noah again, and when's better then winter at disney?

On the last hour,we are really blessed to have Grandpa, grandma, uncle Jerome (from Singapore) n aunt Cindy ( from USA ) to come along with us. It was one of the best trips since we had extra help from everyone with a 2yr old.

Having said that this was a last min decision that everyone could come, All came on different flights to tokyo.. still all turned out well despite having to wait for hotel rooms til after noon (noah n parents reached tokyo early morning), shuttle to airport at different time to meet uncle jerome and then Grandparents+aunt cindy. All of us tired but excited..

Afterall, its JAPAN!!

Happy Birthday Noah.

Baby's BREAST Friend

To all mommies out there, Perseverance is the WORD. Its worth it since breast milk is the BEST we can give so why steal it away from OUR BABIES if its FREE and they only want it for these golden period? Why give our baby cow's milk when its meant for calves?
Personally, i love being so "wanted" and important to my baby especially after I started work. Its the bond that i have with son, no one can replace this, NOT EVEN DADs.

Noah 1yr old birthday party

Noah is One now! Honestly, 12 mths since birth is not a blink of an eye especially with minimum sleep of average 3hrs max daily per nap session (for mommy) from infancy-8mths.
Even after start of post-weaning food at 6mths, sleeping pattern became better after son sleep through night,but stil Breast is still son's BEST Friend. Sleep is stil not freely given to me not till WEANING.
but I must say, noah has been a good baby without much crankiness n wails for no good reasons.He is a cooperative baby for 1st time mommy like me.

Happy Birthday Noah!

Jan 5, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

This is the sweetest thing ... having a baby changes everything. I have one more day which i m eligible to celebrate n be appreciated. what a surprise after a day's flight...thanks mom, happy mommy's day to u too. ( grandma bought those pretty flowers)

PLus a surprise presentation song goes : i love mommy,you so sweet n pretty, I LOVE YOU,I LOVE YOU...



MY 1ST TRIP TO THE ZOO. (26 Apr 2008)
Mommy woke up early in d morning to prepare my meals n stuff. We are all excited,full of sunshine n smiles.. Noah's only 1yr 6mths,mayb quite young to understd why giraffes got long neck n elephants got long trunk etc..
but MEMORIES are what we long for. Good memories n fun we had when he's just 1yr.
AND YES we did!

memories : mommy n daddy got to carry me under hot sun with lots stuff in pram while i yawn away..haha,its indeed a memorable one when norman n i walked under sun in zoo looking at animals with a sleeping baby.NICE

ZOO - it's water playime

ZOO waterplay 2009