Noah's birthday ticker

Lilypie 3rd Birthday PicLilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Dec 3, 2007

mommy starts work

how time flies, its time to move on! back to work.
well,being full-time mum at home had been d most fulfilling & highest paid job..since my salary is PURE LOVE.

at 10 1/2mths old, i decided to return to flying. ummhh... tis is part of my plans.but wasnt so sure til company called me couple of times, well i responded to d 4th call for the interview session.

everything went on so sudden n smooth little did i hv time to hesitate, i knew its was GOD's marvel plan for me. knowing tat i will ponder n hesitate about returning work, HE planned it all for me so fast tat i cld not hv chance to back up.

GOD is great,i took up the challenge of leaving noah to grandma's care, gather my courage n tears n go for my 1st flight on 25th sept. ummhh... tough tough to fight back those tears.

well, here i m now in san francisco doin tis posting. its good opportunity for me to do stuff i will never hv time to do when darling baby is by my side, time to think n miss him. honestly, only after i return to work i realise how how much i love baby n so uptight with his needs tat i cant even bear to leave him for a second. tis is a good lesson for me, learn to release to GOD. ummhh..

nonetheless, everywher i go no matter which country or malls, first to check out now is BABY DEPARTMENT. hahaha i m becoming sooooo MOTHER. tat i totally agree n not shy to admit.

i m proud i m mom now, thanks NOAH for giving me tis priviledge to shine in mother's i possess tis scent n responsibility, i felt i hv totally changed to become a much fantastic figure on tis planet.

i must stay strong n protect my young, i became a "wonder woman " sweat to heavy diaper bags n prams, smelly poo poo mess, odd hours with constant screams n wails n here i jus stay calm n smile right into noah's eyes. wow!! amazing how motherhood can uncover my virtues i never thought i ever possess. hah!!

its a good thing definitely, no doubt children are blessings from above. bundle of JOY..

1 comment:

deLuxique said...

I'm still apprehensive about trying for a child. I love my work, and the stakes for me is too high to sacrifise for. But after reading your blog and the 'thanks Noah for giving me the priviledge", I suddenly realise it's a blessing to have a child. It's also a personal growth. I'd be brave and take up this challenge.

Thanks, Daphne!