Noah's birthday ticker

Lilypie 3rd Birthday PicLilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Dec 10, 2007

noah's little friends

here r my friends..






my cousins felix & felicia

daddy bath me

since noah learns to stand,bathing can b a challenge esp for daddy..see if daddy can make me sit in tub!!haha..but we had fun!!

say hi to mama...!!!

Dec 3, 2007

mommy starts work

how time flies, its time to move on! back to work.
well,being full-time mum at home had been d most fulfilling & highest paid job..since my salary is PURE LOVE.

at 10 1/2mths old, i decided to return to flying. ummhh... tis is part of my plans.but wasnt so sure til company called me couple of times, well i responded to d 4th call for the interview session.

everything went on so sudden n smooth little did i hv time to hesitate, i knew its was GOD's marvel plan for me. knowing tat i will ponder n hesitate about returning work, HE planned it all for me so fast tat i cld not hv chance to back up.

GOD is great,i took up the challenge of leaving noah to grandma's care, gather my courage n tears n go for my 1st flight on 25th sept. ummhh... tough tough to fight back those tears.

well, here i m now in san francisco doin tis posting. its good opportunity for me to do stuff i will never hv time to do when darling baby is by my side, time to think n miss him. honestly, only after i return to work i realise how how much i love baby n so uptight with his needs tat i cant even bear to leave him for a second. tis is a good lesson for me, learn to release to GOD. ummhh..

nonetheless, everywher i go no matter which country or malls, first to check out now is BABY DEPARTMENT. hahaha i m becoming sooooo MOTHER. tat i totally agree n not shy to admit.

i m proud i m mom now, thanks NOAH for giving me tis priviledge to shine in mother's i possess tis scent n responsibility, i felt i hv totally changed to become a much fantastic figure on tis planet.

i must stay strong n protect my young, i became a "wonder woman " sweat to heavy diaper bags n prams, smelly poo poo mess, odd hours with constant screams n wails n here i jus stay calm n smile right into noah's eyes. wow!! amazing how motherhood can uncover my virtues i never thought i ever possess. hah!!

its a good thing definitely, no doubt children are blessings from above. bundle of JOY..

Jul 25, 2007 japan

here we are, japon!!

DAY 1 (21 apr 07),

i got on my 1st plane ride,to dady & momy's fav!! we had a wonderful family holiday, tho i zz alot in my fav lamaze sling( cos weather's coooold n nice) i kno dady momy enjoyed every min cos its me tat made d difference!!


look how tired mama look, she didn wink on plane thru d nite while i look pink n awake!! MUCKS mama.

while i Zzzzz...

Did i make a difference in tis trip?

of cos, dady momy been japan so frequent, nvr have they gotten so busy nor tired before..ummmh so i kno its me, i gave them an unforgettable trip... ache all over!!

Dream come true!
my dream to sanrioland,or is it mommy's?? sigh...

see who enjoyed most??

here's more pics & u can see our (",)smiles ther together...

kiss from dadd dadd at shimbashi station

my charming dada,pretty mama..with cutey me!!

daddy dated mama to naritasan park to see Sakura . i m their baby darling i got kisses too.

May 17, 2007

Noah, the little grabber, is working feverishly at improving his grasp by latching onto anything and everything that he can get his little hands around. Noah will want to touch, hold, turn, shake, and put in his mouth everything within his reach. If one object isn't interesting enough, it's likely to be pitched in favor of another.

Noah may be beginning to display some distinct personality traits - is he quiet or a nonstop babbler? Is he outgoing or shy? He may also start to protest when it's time to put his favorite toys away as he is able to retain the memory of an object even after it's gone.

To encourage Noah to make choices and practice crawling, try placing a toy just out of Noah's reach so he has to move to reach it. He may also start pushing objects out of reach, either because he doesn't like the item, as a game to reach for it again, or so that he can get YOU to pick it up for him.

Although some friends and family may advocate feeding Noah solids early to encourage him to sleep longer at night, you should feel confident if you decide to wait a little longer and continue nursing exclusively. Studies show that introducing solids before six months of age may cause your baby discomfort because his still-immature digestive system isn't quite ready for solid food. The end result is often less sleep, not more. Your little one will not be harmed by your decision to wait, and you'll both enjoy the final weeks of exclusive nursing.